Thursday, October 15, 2009

The San Francisco Trip

I recently took my very first trip to San Francisco. Got there with friends at about 11am - 12pm and made our merry way throughout parts of the city. We started off at Fisherman's Wharf, amazed by all the camera stores so close to each other. We then grabbed some lunch, then made our march through Chinatown to the more Metropolitan area of the City.

The journey through the city was a new experience for, since I never seen so many people in such Small space, simply amazing. China town yield some great shots along what I believe was the downtown area (Post St. is downtown right?). The 20 block walk ended when we got to Rasputin Music. We went in and spent some time inside. After making my purchase, we left and walked back to the wharf, taking even more photos.

The lasts shots I took were of this very photogenic seagull. It didn't seem scared of me even though I was about a foot away from it. After those shots, we headed back to the car, and left San Francisco. I am hoping to return soon!

Enjoy the shots.


  1. Like the pics, especially "Prophecy". I looked through them last-to-first, and the contrast between that and the next photo of the building left an interesting picture to me.

  2. Would that be Neglected Billboards or Tower near Post Street?

  3. That would be Tower near Post Street for 500, Alex
